Monday, May 5, 2014


EQ 10--What are we using the Flash program to create? Tell me at least 5 terms and explain them that you learned as we did practice with Flash.

We are using the flash program to create a story animation, this story animation highlights the basics of flash skills and knowledge.

Tween- a movement of an object onscreen from one place to another.
Frame- a section of animation that can hold one snapshot of your story.
Keyframe- a frame holding some object; whether it be text or pictures.
Frames per Second- how many frames of your animation play per second of time.
.swf- the playable file type flash movies are saved under. 

Friday, April 11, 2014


EQ 9--How did your company presentation go? What was the best part? What was the weakest part? What is the main thing you learned during this presentation?

I think my company presentation went well. The best part was the advertising 

campaign. The weakest part was the commercial.The main thing I learned was 

that presentations aren't bad but trying to invent a FAKE business is hard.

Friday, April 4, 2014


EQ 8--Reflect on the progress of your company project--3-4 sentences.

My Company Project is going well I am satisfied with the grade I received on the business plan. I am also nearly finished with the advertising campaign, having only the color ad and the webpage homepage left to complete. I consider my logo professional and stylish, and I am proud of the work I have completed so far on it. I am only slightly behind having not started my commercial but I should be finished by next thursday.

Friday, March 28, 2014


EQ 7--Review this semester. What activities have you enjoyed and why? Why activities have you not enjoyed and why? Upload your favorite piece of work so far and explain why it is your favorite.

I have enjoyed nearly all the activities we have done so far. It is really fun for me to learn how to use new things and programs, plus I love using the computers. I did not enjoy the trade face activity. I did not enjoy it because it was very creepy for my body to have some one else's face on it and vice versa. 

Friday, March 21, 2014


EQ 6--Upload your favorite logo. Explain how you made it. Explain why it is your favorite.

This is my favorite logo. This logo involved many different steps. The first of the steps was to create concentric circles and add the text around the circles. i then drew the rod and the reel by using the line tool the brush tool and the elipse tool. it is my favorite because the lines are clean and it is fairly simple.

Friday, March 14, 2014


EQ-5 What are the eight parts of the business plan your were assigned? Is that different then you thought? What are the issues you have had so far writing your plan? What has been easy?

The eight parts are The Executive summary, the company description, the market analysis, organization and management, the service or product line, marketing and sales, funding request, and the financial projections. These parts are only slightly different to what i thought they were. The issues I have had so far are the fact that we are trying to write this plan as sort of a theoretical thing. the easy part has been the product description. 

Friday, March 7, 2014


EQ 4--What do you think goes in a business plan? What are the parts? Is research involved? What facts do you need to know, if any? Where could you find this information?

I think a business plan is an actual plan that details how a company will carry out business to make sure the company will be profitable and to secure a schedule of procedures for the company. The parts of a business plan are stuff like calendars and deadlines, demographics and marketing information, and financial information. Research is involved surrounding your potential customer's and area of operation's demographics.The facts you would need to know are basics about business plans and how to create one. You could find this information on the internet.